Monday, October 12, 2009

HTML and Windows Live Hotmail Sending Help?

I am using Windows Live Hotmail to send HTML hotmails to people (Well i'm hopefully going to start to if i get it working)

Im trying to make a newsletter what i want to send manually to people who have signed up to get a newsletter. This is the HTML i am using to test send the e-mail to myself


%26lt;body bgcolor="#990000"%26gt;


%26lt;img border="0" src=" width="640" height="400"%26gt;%26lt;/p%26gt;

%26lt;p%26gt;Tests are tests..%26lt;font size="5"%26gt;%26lt;b%26gt;%26lt;i%26gt; I love red.%26lt;/i%26gt;%26lt;/b%26gt;%26lt;/font%26gt;%26lt;/p%26gt;






I sent it to my self, And it works fine. The pictures didn't come up though nor did the background change. I'm a starter on HTML and I really don't know the problem as works normally as a webpage. Does anyone recommend any program or any other service other than hotmail I can use or just any help? Thanks alot for reading.
HTML and Windows Live Hotmail Sending Help?
Your code is fine, the problem is Windows Live Hotmail does not fully support HTML. However, the original Hotmail (prior to Windows Live) does, but people can no longer get a Hotmail account after they have upgraded to Window Live.

The best option is PHPList, an open source script. Open source means it is free and available to the public, everyone can use it, and modify it if they wish. You need to install the script to your website. Once installed you can easily migrate your customer list and start emailing them in bulk. PHPList has other features, you can download it at and install it on your website by yourself. Although the website includes instructions if you find difficulty you can raise a ticket at their website (they charge minimum 拢75) or at they charge far less, about 拢30.

If you do not want to go through a script installation and you want a simple way there is another option:

Send the email in HTML format from your website to your Windows Live Hotmail account. Open the email, highlight it and copy it. To copy it, press Ctrl + C on your keboard while it is highlighted. Then click on Send (to open a window for a new message) and paste it in the text area. To paste it, first left-click the mouse button in the text-area then press Ctrl + V on your keyboard.

After you have sent the email go to the Sent folder, tick the email and save it in a folder of your own, available for next time.

When you need to send the same email again, go to the folder where you saved the email, and highlight it %26amp; paste it like before.

Hopefully one of the 2 options will solve your problem, the first option is reliable if you have a growing list or if you send newsletters frequently.

Tip: Remember to include a unsubsribe link at the bottom of your newsletter; easy with PHPList.
Reply:Im using thunderbird now, Forgetting about this question Report Abuse

Reply:I forgot about this question.. Sorry i would have given you best answer. Thanks for helping though Report Abuse

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