Monday, October 12, 2009

What's up with Windows Live Hotmail?

Everything was fine this morning. The only new thing was I downloaded Internet Explorer 8, but it was working after I did that.

Here's the deal:

I go to

I log in as usual, and this message comes up instead of my inbox:

"You don't have an inbox...yet

Sign up for Windows Live Hotmail and get a free, customizable inbox with lots of storage and great security.

Note: Whether you use Hotmail or not, you can always go to your contact list."

Well, first off, I HAVE an inbox - or at least I did this morning. Second, when I click the link to sign up for windows live mail, it takes me to a screen with the following option:

"Already using Hotmail, Messenger, or Xbox LIVE? Sign in now"

Even though I'm already signed in, I hit "sign in" again, and log in, and I get back to the first screen saying I don't have an inbox. This continues in circles.

Since that was getting me nowhere, I then tried to fill out the form to get a windows live id, but now it's saying that my current email id is already taken (and it is a very rare id since not many have my last name).

What happened? Where did my inbox go? Will I ever be able to get my old messages back? And what about all the important emails I'll be missing? That email address is my "business" email address I give out to my school, bank, doctor, etc.

What gives?

Oh, and I've searched through every "help" link possible and the best I could get was that hotmail doesn't exist anymore and that all @hotmail stuff is now @live stuff, but it doesn't tell me why my entire account is inaccessible to me without warning, and I have yet to find a way to talk to an actual person from Microsoft.
What's up with Windows Live Hotmail?
Yea............ it is rubbish, all of it! I found a similar mess this morning, which I put down to a maintenenece glitch. I went and made a cup of tea, came back and tried again and now it is ok. Some fool geek messing around with it, I should think! I mean, Maintenence! Come on! It isn't as if there is anything to grease, is there?

A very informative website, kindly stay a minute in website and enter you email address for getting your answer.zzz
Reply:check this out

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